Safeguarding of the young and adults who may be vulnerable is a vital part of the Church's life. "St. Lawrence’s Church is committed to Safeguarding and has adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding Policies. We have a Safeguarding Team (who are members of the Parochial Church Council) and can be contacted on (01889-564452, or 563822, or 564852, or 565228)”. Alternatively, the Diocese of Lichfield Safeguarding Office is available for any safeguarding concerns or enquiries by calling 01543 306030. The contacts are: Neil Spiring (Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor) or Kim Hodgkins (Diocesan Advisor for the Safeguarding of Children). For Out of Hours and Weekend Emergencies please call the Emergency Safeguarding number: 0845 120 4550. Safe Guarding