Local Councils2
Uttoxeter Rural Parish Council
Information can be found at:- www.uttoxeterruralparishcouncil.org.uk where you will find:-
- Details of parish council members including Bramshall councillors
- All minutes are recorded and are on view approximately 5 days after each meeting, initially in draft form, then final.
- Planning applications
- Parish clerk details
East Staffordshire Borough Council
Information about services provided by East Staffordshire Borough Council can be found at http://www.eaststaffsbc.gov.uk/
Services include Bins & Recycling, Planning and Sport & Leisure
Staffordshire County Council
Information about services provided by Staffordshire County Council can be found at https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Homepage.aspx
Services include Libraries, Schools, Tips & Recycling, Buses & Childcare
To report a pothole visit :- https//apps2.staffordshire.gov.uk/web/reportfault/#divSelectionHeader Please note that the size of the pothole is required and exact location with postcode.